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Learn programming for data science from the best

Coding has become a necessary skill for today’s researchers to collect, organize, analyze, visualize, and communicate their data. Yet most of us are never trained in these vital skills. At Code Horizons, we help you learn the coding skills you need to take your work to the next level.

Data Wrangling with R

July 30-August 2, 2024

This seminar provides an intensive, hands-on introduction to using tidyverse tools for doing your own work.

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Using Large Language Transformer Models for Research in R

August 6-8, 2024

This seminar will introduce you to basic techniques to convert unstructured text data to structured data in R.

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Unsupervised Statistical Learning Using Python

August 12-13, 2024

In this course, we will cover two main classes of analytical approaches that aim to uncover what makes up a dataset by identifying separable dimensions or subgroups.

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R for Stata Users

August 21-22, 2024

This course is designed to help Stata users transition to R by understanding how to perform familiar data analysis tasks in R.

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Passion. Experience. Knowledge.

Statistical coding courses from top instructors

Code Horizons coding instructors are recognized experts in their fields of study. They have each published extensively and have many years of experience in research and coding. Most importantly, they are demonstrably excellent instructors with the skills to present coding methods in an efficient, stimulating, and easy-to-follow manner to participants from all disciplines and backgrounds.

Learn R, Python and data science online

Code Horizons will help you learn the coding skills necessary to collect, organize, analyze, visualize, and communicate data through our online coding courses. Our short seminars are designed to provide straightforward and thorough instruction, and cover a variety of essential coding topics, such as Workflow of Data Analysis, Statistics with R, and Python for Data Analysis.

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Our Latest News

New Seminar

Unsupervised Statistical Learning Using Python

Edwin Dalmaijer will introduce unsupervised machine-learning techniques that aim to uncover what makes up a dataset by identifying separable dimensions or subgroups, August 12-13.

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New Seminar

R for Stata Users

Stata users, learn to transition to R by understanding how to perform familiar data analysis tasks in R with Andrew Miles, August 21-22.

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New Seminar

Data Analysis With ChatGPT: Promise and Pitfalls

Join Stephen Vaisey on Aug. 27-28 to discover optimal strategies for leveraging ChatGPT’s advanced data analysis mode and gain insights into when using it might be a good or bad idea.

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Free Video

Get Started with R and RStudio!

Steve Vaisey, Director of Code Horizons, takes you through installing R and RStudio, as well as using basic functions, in this hour-long video.

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