Coding Seminars

We provide short seminars that cover a variety of coding techniques, which have become an essential element of research productivity in science and industry.

Cutting-edge. Hands-on. Complete.

Public Seminars & Onsite Training

Code Horizons offers public livestream courses and provides on-site seminars, training, and consulting services. We provide participants and clients with a solid understanding of coding methods.

Public Seminars

Code Horizons offers short seminars on a variety of important and timely coding topics. Each course features small group sizes, top-notch expert instructors, and extensive hands-on practice. Participants will use their own laptop computers, pre-loaded with relevant software and datasets provided prior to the beginning of the seminar.

Our upcoming seminars are listed below. Just click on the course titles for detailed information and registration. Please check back periodically for updates. All courses are livestreamed via Zoom. Video recordings of the sessions will be available to participants for an additional four weeks after the end of the seminar.


Data Wrangling with R

July 30-August 2, 2024

R is a free and open-source package for statistical analysis that is widely used in the social, health, physical, and computational sciences. R is powerful, flexible, and has excellent graphics capabilities. It also has a large and rapidly growing community...

Instructor: Kieran Healy

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Using Large Language Transformer Models for Research in R

August 6-8, 2024

This seminar will introduce you to basic techniques to convert unstructured text data to structured data in R. As a necessary precursor to large language transformer models (LLMs), the course will also cover word embeddings and their use, and you...

Instructor: Hudson Golino & Alexander Christensen

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Unsupervised Statistical Learning Using Python

August 12-13, 2024

Python is a general-purpose programming language. It is open-source, powerful, and easy to use. Because of this, Python is one of the most popular languages in the world, and it has become indispensable in data science. In this course, we...

Instructor: Edwin Dalmaijer

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R for Stata Users

August 21-22, 2024

R is a free and open-source package for statistical analysis that is widely used in the social, health, physical, and computational sciences. While many excellent analysis packages exist, researchers gravitate to R because it is powerful, flexible, has excellent graphics...

Instructor: Andrew Miles

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Data Analysis With ChatGPT: Promise and Pitfalls

August 27-28, 2024

One of ChatGPT’s newest abilities is its Advanced Data Analysis mode. This allows users to work interactively with ChatGPT to analyze their own data in Python without knowing any Python code themselves. In this mode, users can upload their own...

Instructor: Stephen Vaisey

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Bayesian Analysis for Qualitative Evidence

September 5-6, 2024

Qualitative evidence can make vital contributions to social science research that strives for explanation. Diverse kinds of qualitative information, including but hardly limited to interviews, ethnographic observations, news reports, meeting notes, and archival records, provide “clues” that help us adjudicate...

Instructor: Tasha Fairfield

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Designing Effective Online Surveys

October 10-12, 2024

The Internet has revolutionized survey research. Web-based surveys are now used in many disciplines, and for good reason. Compared to traditional paper-and-pencil and face-to-face modes of data collection, they make it easy to randomize question order, skip irrelevant questions, include...

Instructor: Andrew Miles

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Data Visualization Using R

October 17-19, 2024

The effective use of graphs and charts is an important way to explore data for yourself and to communicate your ideas and results to others. Being able to produce effective plots from data is also the best way to develop...

Instructor: Kieran Healy

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Regression Modeling for Prediction Using Python

October 24-25, 2024

Python is a general-purpose programming language. It is open-source, powerful, and easy to use. Because of this, Python is one of the most popular languages in the world, and it has become indispensable in data science. In this course, we...

Instructor: Edwin Dalmaijer

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Data Cleaning

October 31-November 2, 2024

The management and cleaning of data is essential to the integrity of research findings. Unfortunately, there is little formal focus on how to approach data cleaning. For example, when someone says “you need to clean the data” what exactly does...

Instructor: Bianca Manago

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Introduction to the Analysis of Electronic Health Records

November 7-9, 2024

The widespread adoption of electronic health records (EHR) has generated massive amounts of clinical data with potential to improve healthcare delivery and advance biomedical research. EHRs contain comprehensive patient-level information collected over time, including demographics, disease diagnoses, medical procedures, and...

Instructor: Jesse Gronsbell

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Introduction to In-Depth Interviews

November 7-9, 2024

In-depth interviews play a vital role in the social sciences and applied research. Interviews offer a powerful tool to understand people’s accounts, experiences, narratives, and attitudes. While they are commonly a stand-alone research method, in-depth interviews are also frequently combined...

Instructor: Corey M. Abramson

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R for SPSS Users

November 21-22, 2024

In just 8 hours (over 2 days), you will learn how to convert SPSS workflow into R code from the perspective of an instructor who is a long-time user of both programs.  SPSS users in the social sciences and other...

Instructor: Christopher L. Aberson

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My First R Package

December 5-6, 2024

Writing R packages is the perfect way to level up your programming skills while unlocking many benefits. Doing so can enhance your productivity by reducing the need to rewrite similar code over and over. R packages improve the portability, replicability,...

Instructor: Vincent Arel-Bundock

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