Adam D. Rennhoff

Adam D. Rennhoff, Ph.D., is Professor of Economics and Graduate Program Director in Economics at Middle Tennessee State University.

Professor Rennhoff completed his Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Virginia. His research focuses on competition, demand estimation, and firm strategy, particularly in media-related industries, such as cable television and internet service. His research has been published in respected peer-reviewed journals such as American Economics Journal: Microeconomics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, and Information Economics and Policy. He previously served a four-year term as co-editor of the Journal of Media Economics.

Rennhoff teaches several doctoral-level econometrics courses. These courses cover a wide range of topics from panel regression models to maximum likelihood estimation to time series forecasting. He also teaches a doctoral-level course on machine learning which focuses on ways in which machine learning methods, such as random forests, K-means clustering, and LASSO regression, can be used in social science research.

You can visit his university webpage here.

You can visit his Github webpage here.

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